The Nights Before Christmas!

Here we are celebrating Sally's birthday and getting ready for Christmas in San Jose with Drake, Julie and Ben.....  What changes in the past few months!  Drake is so much more curious, mobile, and beginning to take an interest in his books. 

Bama, this is how we turn the pages!

Bama, this is how we turn the pages!

Drake likes my glasses. 

Drake likes my glasses. 

Got the door open myself.  Only pinched fingers twice!

Got the door open myself.  Only pinched fingers twice!

Today we're helping Mommy by cleaning the kitchen cupboards. 

Mom's cupboard - My new favorite toybox

Mom's cupboard - My new favorite toybox

December 21st, Bama's birthday!  Let's all climb in bed with her 😍

Bama is soooo much fun!!

Bama is soooo much fun!!

Is it still Movember?

Is it still Movember?

There's room for all of us on Bama's bed 💖

There's room for all of us on Bama's bed 💖

Got the tree decorated and the stockings hung - so beautiful 🎄

Got the tree decorated and the stockings hung - so beautiful 🎄

Ain't she pretty!

Ain't she pretty!

Sally wears her pretty new wool birthday skirt.  Ben and Julie treat us to Sushi Dinner at Fuji.  Drake is sooooo good and the birthday girl got a complimentary dessert!

Kind of a long wait

Kind of a long wait

Content to practice with my chopsticks.  

Content to practice with my chopsticks.  

Birthday cake - fried bananas and green tea ice cream. 

Birthday cake - fried bananas and green tea ice cream. 

Seems like we were busy all the time, but managed Drake's first trip to a playground, first trip down a slide and a walk with Baba in a downpour (Julie rescued us)!

OK, All set?  Here we go.....

OK, All set?  Here we go.....

Lets go again Dad!!!

Lets go again Dad!!!

Let's play, Mom

Let's play, Mom

Eeeeeeeeeee haaaaaaaaaaaw................

Eeeeeeeeeee haaaaaaaaaaaw................

Can't catch me!!

Can't catch me!!

Out for a walk. The wind comes up and the rain pours down. Julie comes to rescue us!

Out for a walk. The wind comes up and the rain pours down. Julie comes to rescue us!

All day at the mall.  The girls find lots of interesting shops to visit. David and Drake lose interest a bit more quickly............

Self portraits

Self portraits

Need to take a little nap....💤💤💤

Need to take a little nap....💤💤💤

Santa - I promise to be really good.....🎁

Santa - I promise to be really good.....🎁

Tomorrow is Christmas Eve!!